Supporting Foundation 1781

There are many meaningful ways to support Foundation 1781 and make a lasting impact in our community. Whether you choose to participate in one of our fundraising events, make a financial contribution, or volunteer your time through one of our community programs, your support helps us continue our mission to make a positive and collaborative impact.



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Saturday, November 9, 2024 | Huntsville, Alabama

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Interested in supporting local area families with their at-home cooking needs?

Foundation 1781 has teamed up with the Village of Promise, a local area nonprofit offering numerous programs free of charge to help break the cycle of poverty. From educational and social-economic growth programs to physical health, wellness, and professional development, Village of Promise has made a massive impact in our community - but can’t do it without your support!

Foundation 1781 has partnered with Village of Promise's Family Connections program since November 2021 to host a crockpot cooking class at Village of Promise. Family Connections is a two-generational family literacy program that promotes strengthening the family unit. Your donation of $60 will include a 6-quart crockpot, a pack of crockpot liners (for easy clean up), and a $25 Kroger Gift Card.

Click here to learn more about Village of Promise.

To support this program, click below and select the Village of Promise option for your contribution.


Donate to Foundation 1781

The impact we can make in our community is enhanced when we do it together. If you’re passionate about our core areas of focus and want to help Foundation 1781 continue its efforts, please consider making a donation. Foundation 1781 is a 501(c)3 organization and your contributions will be tax-deductible. Not able to donate, but still interested in helping? Email our team to learn about upcoming initiatives and how you can get involved.
